DC – Resistivity and Electrode Control System


RESECS is a PC controlled DC resistivity meter system for high-resolution research, tomography and monitoring applications. Up to 960 address-able electrodes are connected via one single seven-core cable. Any pair of electrodes might be selected as current injector. Up to eight other pairs might serve as potential electrodes for simultaneous geoelectrical measurements (eight channel operation).

  • RESECS with its integrated PC is cased in a robust, ruggedised and water proof bo Features of the portable stand-alone system are the flexible usage and convenience for any geometric configuration (Wenner, Schlumberger, Dipole-Dipole, etc. as well as user-defined configurations).

  • RESECS automatically selects all programmed electrode configuration It optimises input current and preamplification, corrects self- potential and displays online pseudo sections and timing diagrams of input and output voltage.

  • RESECS is able to store the complete timing diagrams in the internal data storage and yields DC resistivity as well as IP value

  • RESECS includes continuous monitoring application

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